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Christian Fashion and Style: Are Christians Allowed to Be Sexy? Does God Care About What We Wear?

Writer's picture: Linda PotgieterLinda Potgieter

The Divided Opinions on Christian Fashion and Style

On one side, you have men and women who say, “I don’t need to make any effort in what I wear. Beauty is on the inside. God doesn’t need me to dress up. And besides, 1 Peter 3:3 says that ‘…your beauty should not come from outward adornment…’ This group also, interestingly, believes that it is rude to ask a woman her age.

On the other side, there is the belief that we are to “…do all things as unto Him” (Colossians 3). It doesn’t say to exclude effort in what you wear. “Never be lacking in zeal”, says Romans. It doesn’t say in brackets not to apply that to your closet. “You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood…” (Peter). I wonder how royalty dresses. “Do not be conformed to this world…” for “…you are a set-apart nation…” (Romans and Deuteronomy). You are “…splendid and majestic,” it says in Psalms. How should we be dressing that one up? I don’t know if you have noticed, but the pajama pandemic is still ongoing and women pretty much work from home, go to the store and to work in their yoga pants, sweatshirts, and college tees. That’s a great definition of conforming.

 Black and white photo of woman's legs in high heels with cross symbols on heels. Text "Luke 10:19" in red. Stylish and reflective.

The Intentional Creator and Daily Dressing

He made the water and the soil that grew the cotton that now hangs in your closet. He is a very intentional Creator. Have you ever wondered why He has us getting dressed every day?

The Misinterpretation of 1 Peter 3:3

“But I work from home. Nobody sees me.” You just called yourself a nobody.

If you have been lied to through 1 Peter 3:3 and persuaded that you don’t need to make an effort with what you wear, have you ever read 1 Peter 3 verses 1 and 2?? Most people have not. The lie will be exposed. And it is not rude to ask a woman her age. That is a worldly response to a worldly attack on our spirit of beauty.

Faith and Fashion: A Divine Perspective

Having studied beauty, fashion, color, texture, and personal style from The Word, I firmly believe that God, the original Designer of all things beautiful, most certainly does have a view on how we get up, dress up, and represent our faith, our marriage, our family, our business, and our community. Why, then, is the Proverbs 31 woman who is well-dressed and wears scarlet and fine linen such a leading light for women?

Embracing and Celebrating Your God-Given Beauty

Friend, we don’t have the time or space here to go into the powerful detail of the Truth about your spirit of beauty. That’s why I have an entire chapter in my coaching program dedicated to Faith In Fashion.

I believe He made me beautiful. Who am I to hide or dress down that gift? I believe we are called to get up, dress up, and be a bold light on a hill. A light cannot be hidden. And from 35 years of experience, I know that when I am nicely dressed and positioned for a positive, productive day, I am more likely to feel confident and connect with other women around me who might need a kind word, a little encouragement, or a compliment from another woman.

Fashion as a Powerful Connector

We are wired for connection, for color and conversation. We have a spirit of excellence that instantly respects the woman who is beautifully presented and well put together. Fashion is a powerful connector.

The Science of Dressing Well

The scientific evidence abounds. Do some research on ‘enclothed cognition’. That conversation has been had, long ago. The Truth is not on trial here, but perhaps your commitment to yourself is. As an ambassador of your faith, your family, your business, as a woman gifted with a spirit of beauty that should attract good people and great opportunities, why on earth would you represent yourself poorly if all you have to do is learn a few basic style skills and use the gift of clothing, and color, to connect and inspire? Dressing well is a powerful people skill!

The Right Question to Ask

The question “Does God care about what we wear?” is the wrong question. The right question is, “Why do you not?” Every woman desires and deserves to look beautiful, feel confident, and go out and slay her day!

Dressing Well: Myths and Realities

Dressing well is not expensive and does not take a long time. And if you’re worried about being the center of attention, I will show you how to shift from that to being the center of influence—because influence is equity.

Breaking Worldly Bonds and Embracing Divine Beauty

We live in a world that celebrates a size 0 and youth. We have come to an agreement with the world. How do I know? Because only you obsess about your butt, your cellulite, and your upper arms. Women everywhere are dressing down and blending into the background because the world says you’re not the right size or shape. Therefore, it is essential that we break that worldly bond and restore our bond with our heavenly Father, the Author of our body and our beauty. You’ve tried it the world’s way all this time. How about trying it His way? I did. And the fun with fashion alone is worth it! But the freedom to be, dress, look, and feel every inch as beautiful as He made me is priceless.

Join the LindaPaige Style Skool

Join the LindaPaige Style Skool for free, and let me help you soar!

By focusing on Christian fashion and style, we can celebrate our faith and individuality while feeling confident and beautiful every day.


Logo of Linda Paige: White text on black background with tagline 'Where Fashion & Freedom Collide' underlined in red.

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