“I want to empower women to get up, dress up and be a bold light on a hill!”
— Linda Potgieter
How long has it been since you felt beautiful? Are there tears on your pillow from a longing to be desired by your husband again? Do you miss the office days when you felt empowered through being suited and booted? Do you hate shopping? Or maybe you’re the shopaholic who has a closet full of clothes but still says “I have nothing to wear.”
This labour of love is very close to my heart! This book contains ideas, thoughts, dreams and stories of women who have overcome so much. What started out as a simple Capsule Wardrobe toolkit has become a Style Storybook, a beautiful coffee table conversation starter, a calling card into the beautiful world of fashion and a powerful lead on how to love yourself.
Fashion is not evil. Fashion is not fickle. Fashion is in fact a powerful communication vehicle, and the evidence abounds that what we wear massively impacts not just first impressions, but our energy, our mindset, our confidence, and whether or not we will attract or repel people, and opportunities. But ‘Fast Fashion’ (mass produced disposable clothing) is what collapsed the sweat shop of the Rana Plaza building in India in 2013, making it the deadliest disaster in the history of fashion. There is good and evil in the world, beautiful and ugly, there is love and there is war. Ethical fashion is on the rise. So whilst I am not calling you to stop shopping at your favourite store, what I am bringing is a powerful recipe that will help you to build a beautiful wardrobe, on a good budget, that will help you to look and feel confident and beautiful. In doing so, you will save a lot of time and money, you will hone your style skills, and you will no longer be dependent on fashion fads, fashion mags or fashion experts.
I believe that the millennials are the generation called to slow down Fast Fashion. I believe that the Fabulous Full Time Mom is the key to restoring the family unit in our community. She no longer does the school run in the same yoga pants and messy bun day in and day out. Rather, she has chosen to get up, dress up, and represent her faith, her husband and her children as the powerful ambassador that she is. Because MOM is a presidential position.
I believe that the older and wiser generation of beautiful women surrounding us was raised right. They knew that cooking a good meal was not mutually exclusive to looking good. What have we done with this wisdom? When did we start believing that asking a woman her age is impolite? I am passionately against that! I believe that every year we are given is a gift, and I help my clients to celebrate their years. Whether a woman chooses Botox or chooses natural, it is her prerogative entirely to present her beauty her way. But at the end of the day, our age is a gift.
What if I told you that looking good was simple, does not taking long and is not expensive? What if this system taught you how to look beautiful and confident as well as saved you time and money? What if there was a recipe that showed you how to identify your unique personal style, and how to buy exactly the right items for your wardrobe so that you could mix and match 100’s of new outfits from your own closet? And what if this system taught you such powerful time and money management skills that it could lead you to being twice as productive and even more confident? Whether you are low or high on the self-esteem and self-confidence scale, there is always more. The way forward is up.
The recipe we talk about is called ‘Confidence Through The Power of Personal Style’. A small portion of the capsule wardrobe is contained in the book, and there are some fantastic fashion tips and tricks that will get you started. So if you have zero budget right now, the book is a great first step. It also makes a stunning gift for the woman/women in your life who you know need to be lifted up, and reminded that they are beautiful, and valuable. And when you register for our coaching program (see case study video on the home page) you get the book, the t-shirt AND jewellery as part of the program!

It’s time, friend, time to go from your status quo to a bold, confident, beautiful tomorrow. It’s time to go from hating shopping, criticising your body and feeling frumpy and frustrated, to falling in love with the woman in the mirror and living the rest of your life as the best of your life!

Our beautiful glossy, Vogue-esque book will empower and equip you in all areas of fashion and style, sells worldwide for just $79. Anything you purchase from LindaPaige contributes a significant proportion of funds to our charitable donations toward supporting the widow, the orpan and the poor, and women who need help. So with us, you get to look good AND do good!
Email support@lindapaige.com with any questions you may have out joining the coaching program, a movement that has women of all ages all over the world getting up, dressing up and putting their best foot forward.